Don't know where the time has gone, but we now have 3 grandchildren in college this year! So proud of these 3 very special young people!
Our beautiful granddaughter, Kileigh, is a 3rd year student going to Central State at Edmond! Our grandson, Gage, is playing for the OBU Bisons this fall!! He is a freshman at Oklahoma Baptist University. He is getting to play some on 2nd string defense and special teams. Pretty good for a freshman! Kileigh and Gage are Terry and Misty's children, and Micah is a 3rd year student at Greenville College in Illinois. She is Bob's son, Mike and daughter-in-law, Kim's daughter. Can't wait to see what the future holds for these 3 very special young people.
Kileigh Wimer |
Gage Wimer |
Micah Truitt 2nd year student at Greenville College in Illinois
She's the little shortie here! |