Cannot believe how fast this year has flown by, and we have once again celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with our family. It is a time that I always really look forward to, being able to see our kids together which doesn't happen very often with these busy times and many relatives and in-laws to share the time with. Family is so special, and I thank God for the beautiful family that Bob and I have together. Most of them did get to come, but Terry's family and granddaughter, Sarah and husband, David, weren't able to come, and they were missed. This year it was a little more of a rush getting things done, because right after Thanksgiving Bob had to have open heart surgery and had 5 bypasses done, so with recuperating, rehab, trips back and forth to OKC, it hasn't really been a time when I could just enjoy the magic of the season and the blessings that the Lord has given us, but He has blessed us with Bob doing well from his surgery, and everyone had recuperated from the flu and colds and had safe travels back and forth. I'm looking forward to the new year and what the Lord has in store for us and know that whatever the new year brings He will be with us in it all!! The following are a few pics from our holiday get togethers!!
Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and has a joyful New Year!!
Wimer Family Thanksgiving
Wimer's gathered for Thanksgiving. Our numbers were short because Terry's family didn't make it and Cody and Chelsea couldn't come, but we enjoyed plenty of food and fellowship! |
Brad and Scott checking out the latest on Scott's Iphone. Technology is amazing, and addictive!! |
Marshalene and sweet little Remington posing for mema!! |
Remington loves his Uncle Scottie!!
Wimer Family Christmas
Think these little guys are ready for something to eat!! |
Mommy and Remington resting from all the celebrating!! |
Little Saylor taking a little nap and getting some cuddle time with mommy! |
Brad sweet talking his sweetie!! |
Granddaughter, Chelsea, and her beautiful family, little Saylor and hubby, Cody! |
Mommy and her little boys!! Had to take a lot of pics to get these little guys all together!!
Mema getting to spend some time with the babies!! They really do make the holidays special!! |
Grandpa Scott and his sweet family!! Think I see a proud daddy & grandpa! |
Papa and Remington visiting!!
Papa is getting over open-heart surgery, so he couldn't stand and hold the babies because at this point he can only lift 5 lbs. until his chest heals. So glad he is doing well. |
Grandson, Kyler, looking forward to spending his gift card!! |
Hunter was really tickled to get the remote helicopter he had been wanting!! |
Winston just taking his time checking it out!! |
Saylor likes the bags the best!! |
I think Remington is a little overwhelmed by all this commotion!!
Bet he'll figure out these toys pretty quickly though!! |
These two are a hoot!! Think they are really going to be friends. Saylor loves to give kisses!! |
Grandpa Scott and his precious baby girl!!
Whew! We're ready to relax and watch a little "Bob The Builder"!! |
Truitt Family Christmas
Sweet family, Brenda, Kevin, & granddaughter, Katie!!
Katie checking out her Vera Bradley bag!! |
Grandson, Thomas has plenty of ammo now!
Alison got a couple of good books!! I've already put my name on the list to get to read them when she's done.
I think, granddaughter, Micah, is happy with her money gift!! She will be able to use it on her mission trip this summer! |
Don't think Tate will have any problem spending this!! He may have to watch little sis, Michaela, she may want to borrow some!! |